Ranachqua Foundation

About Ranachqua Foundation

Motivated by a love of Scouting and an appreciation of the part the summer camping program played in building the character of our founders, who were Bronx Boy Scouts in the 1920’s and 1930’s, and of all scouts who followed, the members of the Ranachqua Foundation have raised funds on a voluntary basis since 1948.

Since that time, we have provided over $930,000 in Scout Campership subsidies and Cub Scout Campership subsidies to over 16,000 Bronx scouts, who might otherwise not be able to afford the fees to attend the Greater New York Council’s summer camps at Ten Mile River Scout Camps and Cub World at Camp Alpine.

A separate fund, created in 2000, provides merit-based College Assistance Grants to graduating Bronx Boy Scouts, based on their leadership record and the service to Scouting and the community. Thus far over $490,000 has been paid out or committed for 78 deserving recipients.

The Foundation has almost 200 members living throughout the U.S. and abroad. Membership is open to all. Everyone at the Foundation is a volunteer. There is no paid staff.

Our programs are funded through membership dues and donations. All are welcome to attend our fundraising social activities, such as pool parties, bar-b-ques and landmark-year luncheons. Activities and raffles are held periodically, generally for the benefit of the Campership fund. Only those donations or activities specifically earmarked for the College Assistance fund are used for that purpose.

Ranachqua Foundation is a tax exempt organization under IRC 501(C)(3).

The Blockhouse in the old Camp Ranachqua, circa 1930’s, when our founders attended TMR.