President – Jan Schwartz
Vice President – Christopher Higgins
Co-Treasurer – Fern Hertzberg
Co-Treasurer – Ina Fitch
Recording Secretary – Sandra Unger
Corresponding Secretary – Marilyn Kass
Board of Directors
Joel Meltzer – Chairman of the Board
Sean Cahill
Thomas Ciccotelli
Lucille Costello
Kenneth Davis
Pearl Effinger
Joan Gillman
Howard Gursky
Barbara Hartnett
Fern Hertzberg
Christopher Higgins
Charlie Johnson
Marilyn Kass
Florence Katz
Thomas Lemme
Betty Wolder Levin
David Malatzky
Joel Meltzer
Marc Messenger
Anthony Puleo
Jay Schnapp
Jan Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz
Sandra Unger
Adrian Williams
Hepburn Williams